Activista John Moreno and Elena Moreno, Gerente de AmeriMex lied to the press regarding arrest warrant.

Cara Singleton files criminal charges against Activista John Moreno and Elena Moreno, Gerente de AmeriMex, for false publication.


La Paz, Baja California Sur, Cara Singleton July 14, 2016. Due to the fact that Activista John Moreno and Elena Moreno, Gerente de AmeriMex lied to the press regarding arrest warrant for Cara Singleton, Ms. Singleton travelled to La Paz from the United States to surrender herself the nearest criminal authority unnecessarily.

Ms. Singleton found out from the authorities that in fact no such arrest warrant ever existed. It is now clear that Activista John Moreno and Elena Moreno, Gerente de AmeriMex published false information regarding an arrest warrant as means of intimidation and to frighten Ms. Singleton and her family. Upon receiving the information that indeed no arrest warrant existed Ms. Singleton and her family were relieved knowing that their mother and Mr. Shelton’s wife was not going to jail.

“This whole ordeal has been devastating to me and my family. I have been coming to San Miguel de Allende with my parents since I was child and we love Mexico. I have never felt threatened coming to Mexico until now. I have to say that it is sad that trumped up and ridiculous criminal charges can get so out of hand. I was glad that the Mexican authorities immediately cleared up the matter. My whole family thanks them, and my son, my husband I will certainly sleep better tonight.”

Ms. Singleton filed criminal charges related to the false and malicious publications made by Activista John Moreno and Elena Moreno, Gerente de AmeriMex which was received by the PROCURADURIA GENERAL DE JUSTICIA DEL ESTADO DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR on July 11, 2016.

It is hopeful that such forms of intimidation as the ones used by Activista John Moreno and Elena Moreno, Gerente de AmeriMex against Ms. Singleton will be used by the authorities as an example to others that such threats shall not be tolerated.

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